Europlatform («eurowaggon») – is a framed structure with tents, made of shaped tubes with rectangular cross-section. Europlatforms are equipped with hinged rear doors that open to 270 degrees. Vertically positioned middle pillars and horizontal framework planking inserts are easily removed making the tent structure more convenient. The fittings are zinc-plated.
Aluminium sideboards (400 mm, 600 mm). The basis is made of steel profile processed with antirust cover. The intermediate pillars made of steel are removable, the locks are zincplated of the foreign production. The side sections of anodized aluminum are reclining, removable. The sideboards are also equipped with lifting hooks for safe fixing of the cargo.
Steel sideboard platforms (400 mm, 600 mm). The base of the platform is manufactured out of steel profiles treated with rust-resistant materials. Intermediate steel pillars are removable, the locks undergo the process of galvanization. Lateral sections are removable, you may easily recline them, the platforms are also equipped with lifting hooks for safe fixing of the cargo.
We may also manufacture sideboard platforms with lateral (side lifting of the cargo all through the length of the platform) or upper loading: thanks to the sliding roof (sliding in the direction of the cabin) and removable pillars.
The floor covering may be of the following types:
The subframe of the van undergoes a three-phase treatment:
Manufacture of vans and eurovans of various kitting-up. Eurovans (trucks) are the main means of cargo transportation for quite a time already. Our company, “Automechanical plant” Ltd., implements the production of eurovans and vans in Nizhny Novgorod.
Upon the client’s request we may manufacture europlatforms of various dimensions.
We manufacture sideboard platform sand europlatforms on the basis of any Russian (GazelleBusiness, Kamaz, Valdai, etc.) or foreign vehicle. We offer the best price sand high quality to our clients. The europlatforms may be bought in Moscow or Nizhny Novgorod.
607630 Russia, Nizhny Novgorod Region, Area Bogorodsky, Settlement Kudma, Promzona Location Map
Tel.: 8 800 700-269-0 Tel.: +7 831 2200069 (multiline) E-mail:
Monday — Friday: 8:00 — 17:00 Saturday: Closed Sunday: Closed